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She Kills as Casparella Dir Ron Bonk/SRS Cinema Diamond Ruff as Nurse Delia Dir Alec Asten/Young Studios
Empty as Elise Dir Chris Drury/Vanguard Cinema Dead Giveaway as Lisa Williams Dir Ben Allotey/Wortown Films
TELEVISION It’s Late w/ Gunnar Nelson (pilot) as "Cigar Girl" Dir Steve Portney/Sterling Worldwide Ent
SHORT FILMS/NEW MEDIA Frenemies: Unhealthy Friendships (video) as Aisha's Mom Dir Mark Mazzarella/Mazzarella Media Ur N Myspace as Gina Dir Jim Cimalore/ THEATER Two Trains Running as Risa Dir Michael Bradford/Don Oats Theater, NAACP COMMERCIAL Yale MTTI RI Lottery American Express Early Sense Pepsi Co Amica Insurance File Handler Tha's My Boy Frank the Bastard
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